Family Gathering

9:43 AM

Almost every weekend, we spent usually our time in Panabo City, where Camille's parents lives. Her family enjoys managing Mat learning Center, their school business. Her mother loves to teach, that's her passion and she has done a really good job in sustaining and elevating the school in to a much competitive one.

MAT Learning Center is next to Tagahurgar and is located in Province of Davao del Norte, New Pandan, Panabo City, Philippines. School level: Pre-School and Elementary. Consisting with about 8 teachers,  6 staff member and about 100-200 students. It's still growing and the projected growth for the next 5 years, will be doubled.

During our conversation with Camille, she plans on investing money to the school. And, I support her with that decision in the near future. Times like this can really be a memory. Maybe this small talks we had today, would be a big thing in the next future.

Knowing her daily,

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